The Law Enforcement Officers Security Unions (LEOSU - DC) Washington DC and its LEOSU-VA Local 104 is a full service labor organization formed to provide every labor related service from negotiations, grievance processing, legal and legislative representation.
The Law Enforcement Officers Security Unions (LEOSU-DC) Washington DC mission is to serve as a voice for law enforcement officers and security professionals in Washington DC Region to their employers. Thousands of law enforcement officers and security professionals provide a fundamental protective service to federal agencies as contractors. These bargaining unit employees need to have their workplace concerns and interests represented to their employer with passion, integrity, and fairness. LEOSU-DC delivers a comprehensive employee and labor relations program that will provide high quality service to officers by representing their interests and negotiating with the employer for results that create a better workplace. Our union is characterized by three core values: personalized service, transparency, and results.
The number one issue that LEOSU-DC representatives address when speaking with groups interested in switching union affiliation is the quality of our negotiators, business agents and the service they provide to their local units. Calls are returned promptly. Many questions are answered on the spot, more difficult inquiries are responded to immediately after the issue is investigated.
Our partnership agreements with other 9(b)(3) Security Guard, Security Police, Law Enforcement Unions & Security Training facilities benefit from the expertise and assistance of these International Unions, National Unions, its divisions and affiliate partners within the Union's structure makes us one of the strongest 9(b)(3) security unions in Northeast and the United States.
The Law Enforcement Officers Security Unions (LEOSU-DC) Washington DC mission is to serve as a voice for law enforcement officers and security professionals in Washington DC Region to their employers. Thousands of law enforcement officers and security professionals provide a fundamental protective service to federal agencies as contractors. These bargaining unit employees need to have their workplace concerns and interests represented to their employer with passion, integrity, and fairness. LEOSU-DC delivers a comprehensive employee and labor relations program that will provide high quality service to officers by representing their interests and negotiating with the employer for results that create a better workplace. Our union is characterized by three core values: personalized service, transparency, and results.
The number one issue that LEOSU-DC representatives address when speaking with groups interested in switching union affiliation is the quality of our negotiators, business agents and the service they provide to their local units. Calls are returned promptly. Many questions are answered on the spot, more difficult inquiries are responded to immediately after the issue is investigated.
Our partnership agreements with other 9(b)(3) Security Guard, Security Police, Law Enforcement Unions & Security Training facilities benefit from the expertise and assistance of these International Unions, National Unions, its divisions and affiliate partners within the Union's structure makes us one of the strongest 9(b)(3) security unions in Northeast and the United States.
Omniplex Negotiating Committee
LEOSU-VA Local 104 is one of several LEOSU-DC locals in the Virginia, Washington DC and Maryland area. Our membership comprises of 143 Omniplex World Services Corporation security officers who are entrusted in protecting the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC in both Washington DC and Virginia sites. Like most security officers and special police officers working in the North Capitol Region, these Omniplex security officers have a crucial, highly visible role in Federal Protective Service (FPS's )mission. They are usually the first (and sometimes the only) contact visitors have with FPS. These officers are almost always the first line of defense in DHS-controlled and DHS-supported facilities. Some casual visitors and federal employees may not usually distinguish between uniformed FPS police officers and security officers / SPO's. Also, the deterrence effect of alert professionalism displayed by security officers / SPO's. is important. It is crucial that the Contractor ensures that their security officer / SPO employees demonstrate that they are well trained, know their duties, and perform their duties alertly, courteously, promptly and professionally at all times.
In addition to our security officer duties, LEOSU-VA Local 104 local union officers and shop stewards are responsible for a number of union related activities which include but is not limited to administrating and enforcing our newly collective bargaining agreement (CBA), participating in negotiations, training seminars, organizing campaigns, servicing & educating our members and welcoming new members into the union.
In addition to our security officer duties, LEOSU-VA Local 104 local union officers and shop stewards are responsible for a number of union related activities which include but is not limited to administrating and enforcing our newly collective bargaining agreement (CBA), participating in negotiations, training seminars, organizing campaigns, servicing & educating our members and welcoming new members into the union.
©2017 LEOSU-VA Local 104, Law Enforcement Officers Security Unions LEOSU-DC, a division of LEOSU, affiliated with the Law Enforcement Officers Security & Police Benevolent Association (LEOS-PBA) all rights reserved.